Read our disclaimer down below.
Straetus strives to provide correct and up-to-date information. However, there is a chance that certain information may not be complete, current, or accurate at times. The information on this website, in newsletters, and other communications from Straetus assumes the applicability of Dutch law.
All communications from Straetus are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. The communications are intended solely for the visitor of the website or the recipient. Except for personal and non-commercial use, nothing from these communications may be reproduced, copied, or otherwise disclosed without prior permission from Straetus.
Straetus makes every effort to ensure that the website functions well and remains permanently accessible. Many factors play a role in this, including reliance on external parties and the personal browser and/or internet settings of the user. As a result, Straetus cannot guarantee that the website is always accessible and functions properly.
References and hyperlinks to third-party websites are for user information only. Straetus has no control over the content of these websites.
Cookies are small (text) files that a web server places on your computer or other portable device when you visit a website. There are different types of cookies. Straetus may place cookies to enable you to use the website and its functionalities. These cookies are strictly necessary for you to use our website or a specific functionality (essential cookies). Straetus may also use cookies to enhance the usability of the website (performance cookies). Finally, Straetus may use cookies to improve the use of the website, products, services, and marketing strategies (analytical cookies). You can block or delete cookies through your browser settings.
Straetus reserves the right to modify this disclaimer. This page was last updated on January 6, 2014.
Carlsonstraat 3, 8263 CA Kampen
The Netherlands
Copyright @2025 Straetus